I am often asked my opinion on things that involve football. The questions range from how to find which player position best suits a child to who I think will win the Super Bowl, and pretty much everything in between. I have many thoughts on the game, on coaching, and on improving performance, so I am starting Passing Thoughts to share some of those thoughts. I welcome your comments and conversation. –KR

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

A Letter to Athletes

**This column also appeared in the Argus Leader on Aug. 3, 2015.

Dear athlete,

It seems like it has taken forever to arrive, but football season is finally about to begin. Whether it is going to be your first year playing, or you are putting on the pads for a final season in high school or college, there is much to be learned from the upcoming season. Many of us fondly remember our football playing days, and we will be lacing up our cleats along with you in spirit this fall. As I reflect back on those days and work with athletes of all ages in preparation for the season, there are a few reminders I can offer you:

Be a good teammate. Football is the greatest team sport. You have to work together with every person doing his best in his role in order to succeed. Individual glory is not the goal, and you will gain so much from standing together with your teammates through all the challenges and joys of a season. Remember that every single person has a role, and you will all be better in the end if you support each other in those roles.

Compete with respect. You are an athlete, and your competitive nature is what helps you to succeed in many situations. Just don’t lose sight of the fact that you always represent your team, your school or your community. Great competitors have respect for their opponents and their sport, so be sure to demonstrate your best sportsmanship during games and practice.

Be grateful. I know exactly how hard athletes work to achieve their goals, but they never reach that goal without a great deal of support and guidance. Families, coaches, teammates and communities all contribute to an athlete’s success. Don’t forget that you are fortunate to have the opportunity to play the game, and your successes come from a network of people who believe in you. Say thank you often, and mean it.

Play with heart. There is nothing I enjoy more than working with athletes who play for the love of the game. If your heart isn’t into long days of practice, training and the challenges of playing football, it will show in everything that you do. You don’t have to be the best athlete on the field, if you play with heart you will gain from every single experience. Play the sport you love, and love the sport you play.

Adjust your attitude. It is difficult to tell young players how grueling a season can be. There can be crazy ups and downs that face players and teams, and you need to be mentally prepared to face the challenges. Control the things that you can and face the things that you can’t with your best effort and attitude. Every player makes mistakes. It is your job to learn from them and use it to improve.

Enjoy every moment. Don’t ever forget why you play this game. It won’t seem like it during two-a-days, but seasons will pass quickly, moments of joy and frustration become memories, and you won’t stand beside your teammates every day with a common goal. I promise that win or lose, the moments that will play out on the field this fall will be some of your most cherished memories. Be sure to be enjoy the days and experiences.

Best of luck to you as the season begins. Win or lose, I hope you take pride in your contributions to your team and to the sport.

Coach Riggs

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